Earthquake rocks Nepal

Watch the video on the aftermath of the Earthquakes in Nepal and note down the impacts of the earthquakes. 

Read more about it @

A powerful earthquake rocked central Nepal, causing extensive damage to buildings and dozens of injuries and deaths on 25 April 2015. 

The quake measured 7.9 and struck an area between the capital Kathmandu and the city of Pokhara. Tremors were felt across the region, as far afield as Pakistan, Bangladesh and neighbouring India.

Read the article on Channel News Asia on the impacts and some of the short-term response which are critical in reducing the number of casualties. Search for victims, setting up shelters, medical and food.

A 6.8-magnitude quake hit eastern Nepal in August 1988 killing 721 people, and a magnitude 8.1 quake killed 10,700 people in Nepal and India in 1934.
Why is the area prone to earthquake? Are there ways to mitigate the impacts of earthquakes?

The death toll exceeded 4000 on 28 April 2015. More on the short-term response @

Rescue operation, shelter, food and medical aid are critical immediately after a natural disaster. 

Why is this so?
What can be done?
Who can help?
Where would the help be needed?
When must this help be rendered?
How is the rescue work carried out?

What are the measures to reduce the negative impacts of natural disasters in the long-term other than the immediate help given?

International efforts:

As @ 30 April, death toll exceeded 5000 - the survivor rioted against the unavailability of relief from the government. Read the following article and explain why short-term response is critical.

Read this article on 5 May 2015 on more short-term responses - rescue team, medical and food aid, immunization etc.

FAO helping farmers recover their life

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