Afghanistan earthquakes

When was the most recent earthquakes in Afghanistan?

Why is Afghanistan prone to earthquakes? 

What are the impacts of the recent earthquakes?

Why is the latest earthquake more damaging?

How does aftershocks affect the people?

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Increase in water prices Singapore

 Singapore to raise water prices by 18% over two phases in 2024 and 2025.

How will this help to improve water security in Singapore?

What will be the impacts on households and businesses?

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Wildlife sightings in Singapore


How has development by people affected nature?
What are the positive and negative impacts of the interaction of people and nature?

Read the article and ponder on the following mentioned in the article.
"Community stewardship and engagement also play a key role in supporting NParks’ biodiversity management and monitoring efforts. Some of these ‘rare’ wildlife sightings were made known to NParks through feedback submitted by volunteers and the public," NParks' Mr Lee said.

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Singapore mitigating climate change

Learn more about the updates on Singapore's mitigation measures.

Alternative Clean energy resources 

95% of Singapore's energy is still generated from burning natural gas, though it is a cleaner fossil fuel. Other than solar energy, is Singapore able to tap on geothermal power?

What is geothermal power?
Where can this source of geothermal power be found in Singapore?

30% of our energy need is for cooling device. Can more effective building design such as green buildings helped to reduce the need for more energy with the Green plan 2030?

Plants cool buildings and cities by absorbing sunlight, creating shade, and releasing water that cools the air. Plants also absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that contributes to the climate change.

How does improving buildings airflow and painting rooftop with reflective paints help?

What are the incentives given to encourage more green buildings?

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