Food Security in Singapore

In land scarce Singapore, vertical farming is one way to achieve food security. Read more on the update.

How does vertical farming help to achieve food security?

Why is there a need to achieve 30% self sufficiency by 2030?

What other strategies can help Singapore achieve 30by30?

More urban farms at HDB carpark roof top

Sustainability in food production

Ensuring food security in Singapore

Meeting Singapore 30 by 30  food goal

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Climate Change threatening Singapore

TV commercial by PUB

Extreme weather due to climate change threatening Singapore

What contribute to climate change?
Why is climate change a threat to Singapore?
How can we play a part in mitigating climate change?

A good Google Earth app to show how climate change can impact on coastal cities other than Singapore.

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Mt Sinabung erupted 2 March 2021

 Watch the eruption time lapse from BBC below.

What cause volcanic eruptions?
Why do people live near volcanic areas?
How can the impacts be mitigated?

The 2014 eruption in Feb resulted in 16 deaths and thousands displaced.

Refer to the map below.

How is the Sumatra Trench formed?
Bukit Barisan is a fold mountain. 
What cause fold mountains to be formed?
Why are there so many volcanoes on Sumatra??

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