Tropical cyclones 2021

2 cyclones hit India in May 2021

See the wrath of cyclone Yaas and Tauktae  which struck India

Why are tropical cyclones hazardous?

What can be done to mitigate the impacts of tropical cyclones?

What is the difference between cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes?

How are tropical cyclones formed?

Why are places near the equator not affected by tropical cyclones?

How does the Coriolis effect affects tropical cyclones?

Find out the answers here:

How does climate change affects cyclones?

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COVID-19 in Singapore

How is the spread of COVID-19 managed in Singapore?

The need for more to be vaccinated, the implementation of quarantine order, stay home notice, trace together and conduct of swab tests. 

Are these sufficient to manage the spread?

What other measures are put in to manage the spread of disease?

Stay Safe. Strong together. 

Touch each spot on the map and the name of place, date, time visited by cases will be shown.

Look at the bar graph below. Why is the spread greater in the highlighted countries?

Why is the data presented in cases per million per week and not total cases per week?

Another article on the impact of the pandemic in global tourism. Chinese tourists contribute to 1% of Singapore's GDP before the pandemics. 

For emerging economies such as Thailand and the Philippines, with a high share of their workforce in the travel and tourism sectors, there will be a rising natural rate of unemployment, with fewer job opportunities to fall back upon compared to workers in developed economies.

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