Indonesian earthquake Nov 2022

A 5.6 magnitude earthquake struck West Java on 21 Nov 2022.

Where are the areas affected?

What are the social and economic impacts of the earthquake?

Why is the earthquake damaging?

How is the impact of the earthquake mitigated?

  • Death toll 268, many of them children, with 151 still missing and more than 1,000 injured
  • 22,000 houses damaged, 58,000 people displaced from their home
  • Landslides buried entire villages near the West Java town of Cianjur
  • Damaged roads and large area affected made it difficult to locate and help victims

Look at how the intensity of the earthquake decreased from the epicenter. How do you think this will affect the extent of damage from the epicenter?

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World population hit 8 billion

As world population reach 8 billion, it is time to reflect on our milestone.

Why is sustainable development necessary?

How can we empower woman?

Who should play a greater role in mitigating climate change?

Where are the regions which suffer more from poverty?

Which countries are experiencing high birth rate?

Which countries are experiencing high population growth?

Which country will have the highest population by 2030?
How has technology contributed to high population growth?

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Azure Window, Malta

Look at the following tourist attractions that is no longer available.

This limestone arch that jutted out of Malta's Gozo Island was known as the Azure Window. This spot was even featured in HBO's Game of Thrones. However it was destroyed by coastal processes and an intense storm in 2017.

Where is this natural attraction found?

What type of attraction is this?

Why is the this natural attraction no longer available??

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Climate code red

 Check out this interactive on the impact of sea level rise on Singapore.

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Bayshore development

Singapore plans to start clearing approximately 31ha of forested areas near East Coast Park in the upcoming Bayshore precinct. 

Why is there a need to clear the forest?

What are the impacts to the flora and fauna in the area?

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Climate change conference

Read on the 7 reasons why Egypt’s climate conference matters in the fight against global warming. The COP27 will be held this month in Egypt.

1. The world hasn’t been doing enough to stop global warming
2. The shadow of global disasters will hang over negotiations 
 3. A geopolitical storm is still powering a global energy crisis 
 4. Developing nations will again push hard for financial help 
 5. Singapore will be bringing an updated climate plan 
 6. Forest protection will again be in focus 
 7. This will be a moment for Africa

Read more on how the use of hydrogen as a energy source can help Singapore achieve zero carbon emission by 2050.

Why is there a need for alternative energy resources?

What are the limitations of using hydrogen as an alternative energy resource?

How can Singapore achieve net zero emissions? 

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Urban neighborhood

Going to start a new category of posts for the new Upper Sec Geography.

I have taken the following photographs recently and looking at what is around us through a geographer's lens. Indeed Geography is alive and glad that this topic is made available to the students to connect to the Geography in their Everyday Life.

Did you notice the green roofs on top of the bus stops?

The plant atop the bus stop is a species of herb known as Nabhali (Cyanotis cristata), which was selected for its hardiness and ability to grow and spread well on green roofs.

The green roof can lower the surrounding temperature by 2 degree Celsius. What a cool idea!


I have posted on the bus stop with green roof earlier.

Impressed with this green building Kampong Chai Chee Community centre in Bedok.
Read my earlier post on the green buildings in Tampines ecotown.

Below are photos taken in Hougang Town.

Community gardens in the precinct.

A basketball court in the precinct. 

Nature thrives in the neighborhood

A park in the neighborhood.

Integrated transport hub with MRT stations next to the bus interchange in Hougang town. Observe how the platform of the MRT station is raised to avoid flood risk.

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