Coral Bleaching


Where is the great barrier reef located?
What are the changes in terms of the severity of coral bleaching from 2016 to 2020?
Why is there a shift in the areas affected by severe coral bleaching?
What cause coral bleaching?
How does climate change impact on coral bleaching?
What are the consequences of coral bleaching?

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Heavy rain in Singapore

 4 hours of rain in Western Singapore on 20 July almost equals to July monthly average. 

When does SW Monsoon affect Singapore?
What are the impacts of the heavy rain?


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Wildfires on Rhode island affecting Tourism


  • Where is Rhode island located?
  • What resulted in the wildfires?
  • How did the wildfires affect tourism?
  • How will the wildfires impact on the locals?


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Heatwaves in Europe and America

Temperatures reached new highs on 17 July 2023 as heatwaves and wildfires swept the Northern Hemisphere.

Where are the areas affected by the heatwave?
What are the impacts of the heatwave?
How do the people cope with the heatwave?
What other impacts of climate change are seen in the video?
Why are temperatures higher in July for Europe and US?


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Monsoon devastating India

Why does Southwest Monsoon brings heavy rain to India?

Where are the areas most affected by the Southwest Monsoon?

What are the impacts of the Southwest Monsoon on India?

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Lab grown meat

Why is there a need for cultivated meat?

How does cultivated meat help Singapore in achieving food security?

Where are lab grown meat available?

3D print meat

Reducing reliance on land and livestock for meat production help reduce greenhouse gas emission such as methane (animal waste gas) and carbon dioxide (burning of fossil fuel for energy). However, the advanced technology needed to create cultivated meat is also energy intensive.

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