Food security in Singapore

My earlier post on food security in Singapore.

Update 23 May 2020

What is food security?
Who is responsible in ensuring food security?
Why is it important to ensure food security?
How can we ensure food security?

SFA (Singapore food agency) ensure supply of food and food security. It was combined from AVA, NEA and HSA (health science authority) food testing labs.

One of the measures is to diversify our source for imports of food products. (good article discussing food safety too though it's not as current)

Another measures is through stockpiling. Importers of rice are required to maintain a prescribed quantity of rice before they are given a license. Currently, that prescribed quantity amounts to two months worth of imports stored in a private warehouse designated by the government.

One other measure is to achieve 30% of our food produced locally by 2030 (3030).

My earlier post on Fish farm in Singapore:

As land is scarce in Singapore, use of high tech farming methods and urban farming (e g. Rooftops of building, factory such as Panasonic).

One of the locally produced organic vegetable I saw in the supermarket.

My visit to Panasonic farm.

Will increasing food prices affect food security?

Are there people with hunger in Singapore?

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