Using Google Earth to understand PlateTectonics

Click on this link to download the Google Earth on Tectonic plates -Kmz file on Tectonic Plates - Please ensure you have already downloaded Google Earth.
Click and expand Places on the side menu on your left. You should see the placemarks 1 to 6 classified under the 3 types of plate boundaries. Double click on each placemark to find out more about the landforms formed at the respective plate boundaries.

Play this interactive game on identifying the crustal plates

Explore the Google map on the website and identify three ways in which plates move. 
Click on the red markers to identify the three ways.

Indicate these movements on the map your teacher has given you using three different colours. 
Use the interactive Google Earth map to zoom to explore satellite images of divergent boundaries between oceanic plates. Two locations are marked: 1) the Mid-Atlantic Ridge exposed above sea level on the island of Iceland, and 2) the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between North America and Africa in the website:

Animation on labeling parts of a composite  volcano: - this will help you understand the parts of a composite volcano better.

 The worksheet for the lesson :You might want to also check out the following animations on how volcano and crater lake are formed. 
Crater Lake

You can also access the following to better understand types of volcano and damage from earthquakes.
Interesting flash on making your own volcano - understand the difference between a composite and a shield volcano 

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